Best Practices for Implementing a Company/Personalised AI Chatbot

Do you remember the GIGO principle? Garbage in, garbage out? Poor quality data input results in poor quality output.In the AI space this is even more important. When we create a company chatbot with personalised data we ensure that the knowledge used is accurate. We’ve all seen or heard that ChatGPT, Gemini etc “hallucinates”. It’s […]

We are a Knowledge Company

At, we use IT and technology to assist our clients. All companies have their own intellectual capital – that’s what differentiates them from their competitors. They also have knowledge of their industry, their products and services. Yes, they use marketing to inform their customers of their offerings, but they often fail to explain their […]


Are your customers happy with the support and service they get?

People Like Talking

People like explaining their issues. Have you ever had to fill in a complicated form either on paper or a website. The questions asked don’t always make sense in your context. I find myself talk to the form “Why ask the same question for the 12th time?” “Yes I own a house” “Yes, I own […]