is an on-line store selling pet accessories. In September 2023 Tailme wanted to see how AI would work on their site. Being a business with very few staff it did not have a lot of time to work on the AI bot. They saw it more as an experiment than a genuine need for their customers.

We at took their website and used it for initial training. Within minutes we had the first version of our chatbot ready and helped them install on their website, also a 2-minute task. We customised the chatbot to their corporate colours and design and it started working.

According the CEO Gavin L ”We have approximately 100 visitors to our website per day, and initially our customers did not use the chatbot very much. AI is still a new concept. Subsequently customers and potential customers did start using it and I was thrilled to see the good questions asked as well as the competent responses from the chatbot.”

We at have created a dashboard where our clients can monitor all questions asked and see the answers given by the AI chatbot. Whenever the chatbot cannot give an answer because it has not yet be trained on that topic, our client has the option of updating the answer to their requirements and our system uses it to further train the bot.

There were only a few questions that Tailme customers asked that the chatbot could not answer. It is trained to offer a customer to leave their cell number or email address and someone would get back to them very soon. Each updated answer tends to be quite short and quick and easy to type up, so it was never an issue to Tailme to update the answer. They knew that these were questions that customers or potential customers would ask before making the purchase decision. Over time there have been fewer and fewer questions that cannot be answered. We also proactively monitor questions and answers and will ask them for a better answer if need be. In one case they sent us a user manual in PDF format which we gave to the chatbot for further training. Now, the chatbot can answer technical questions using the user manual or give the customer a link to download that manual.

Stats on the systems allow them to see number of questions asked per day and per month.

According to Gavin the CEO: “What I like about the chatbot is:

  1. It acts as my call centre. We are a small business and when a customer needs to ask a question, for example about the cat and dog trackers we sell, it gives a detailed, professional answer without ever getting flustered or annoyed.
  2. It is able to recommend products based on customer requirements.
  3. Many website visitors ask “mundane” questions, that would take me a minute to reply to via our ticketing system, but the chatbot gives the full answer without human intervention saving me that time. The chatbot stays in character as a professional call centre agent, never getting bored or irritated with answering the same questions over and over.
  4. One customer had difficulty in configuring a SIM card for our tracking device. The chatbot handled this perfectly.

We have benefitted from the day we installed the bot. Our customers are impressed that we have embraced new technology.  As an on-line store using and selling technologically advanced pet accessories, this has improved our image.
The AI chatbot has helped our customers get answers quickly, especially at night and over weekends while we are not in the office. The AI chatbot has handled many queries and saved us time.”

We at were very excited to be working with a hi-tech pet accessories on-line store. It proves that AI is not only suitable for the largest businesses in the world. Small emerging businesses also can use it and benefit as much.

Sample conversations:

Note how the chatbot picked up the name of the potential customer. Feedback is the customer did later on make the purchase.

Note the date. This question was asked on 10th December 2023 at 10:39. The 10th December 2023 was a Sunday!
We are happy to state that feedback is this potential customer did indeed place their order.

This conversation made us very happy and satisfied that the chatbot was working well.

In this instance the chatbot not only “knew” what the issue was but was able to recommend a product from their range. The potential customer was so satisfied that they even said “Thanks” and the chatbot again remained perfectly professional.

This is what we call true customer service. AI customer experience that works